The Journey Begins
Hello and welcome to the frequent updates page for our latest project. This is going to be a very open forum and we are not the best at presenting a polished persona, so please take each of the posts on this page in the spirit of the person who posts. My name is Samantha, or Sam as many know me, and I am going to be a frequent poster. Getting people in need, out of need, is a huge life purpose of mine. I am 34 years old and I am far too fond of chocolate and ice cream.
Anyway, our first shelter is close to opening at this point, and it seems to me that you all, anyone reading this but specifically our friends and neighbors in Warrensburg and Johnson County, will want to know more about what is going on here. The reason that we bought a house at 207 Ming St is because we are worried about people who don’t have a house of their own. Nick and I know that there are many reasons for people to be homeless: they may not be able to make the money to pay rent for their own place because of health or other issues, or they may be suffering from mental or substance abuse disorders for which they need treatment. They may also have chosen homelessness as a way of life, and depend on the charity of their neighbors as a long-term life plan. We don’t expect to always agree with everyone we serve. In fact, sometimes we may strongly disagree with the choices and behaviors of the people we’re here to help. But we are going to serve them with the love of Jesus as long as it is safe and positive for all parties that we do so. The grace and mercy that God has shown to us is far too great for us to refuse to pass along those gifts to others to the very best of our abilities.
We worked with a great real estate agent in buying the house, Justin Johnson. He knew what we intended when going through with the purchase, and as you may know by now has gone on to serve on our board to help make the dream a reality.
There have been a few code issues that we didn’t know about before buying the place that have slowed down the progress. It has been very disappointing to not be open before now. But if we want to house any more than ten people, the sprinkler system had to be installed. In order to be safe for people to stay there, the furnace had to have some work done. There were electrical upgrades to be done, and there are still plumbing system upgrades to be done. The siding will have to be repaired or replaced to stop some leaks. Thankfully the roof is in decent condition currently. We will delve more deeply into some of these issues in the posts to come, but that’s the worst of them.
I am not fond of asking anyone for money, any more than the next person, I suppose. But this mission makes it easy. Please help us. Any amount you can give is going to directly fulfill the mandate of Christ: if you have two coats and your brother has need, give him one. Give today at or use any of the links on this site. Or mail a check if you want to avoid paying processing fees, either way! Thank you in advance! There are amazing things ahead, Lord willing.